The Henson Journals

Sat 15 September 1917

Volume 21, Page 177


Saturday, September 15th, 1917.

1139th day

The day was fine though blustering & threatenings of rain. I wrote most part of the York sermon, attended Mattins and Evensong, and wrote letters. Ella returned shortly after lunch. My little letter on "conscientious objectors" appears in the "Times", & doesn't read badly. The "Spectator" has an article on the same subject, which takes much the same line as I have taken viz: that the genuine C.O.s now in prison ought to be released. It is reported that Korniloff's movement has totally collapsed and that Kerensky is re–instating the more prominent Generals e.g. Alexieff & Russky. But as all the cables are in Kerensky's hands, it is difficult to feel certain about the news from Russia. Of course the precedents of history do not help one much since a Revolution in modern circumstances is assuredly sui generis. On the face of the facts, Korniloff seemed almost certain of success, but then we don't know how far he can trust his soldiers, & how far the peasants who have seized the land regard with alarm every movement which might seem likely to threaten their hold of it. And what are Korniloff's relations (α) with the ex–Tsar: (β) with the Germans, to whom as a soldier he probably feels himself nearer than to these windy theorists at Petrograd.