The Henson Journals

Thu 17 May 1917

Volume 21, Page 49


Ascension Day, May 17th, 1917.

1018th day

A bright morning. I celebrated the Holy Communion at 8 a.m. All the Canons were present, and a fair number of communicants: including George, & two other choirboys. The attendance of choirboys on this day for Communion is, I think, a new departure: but it is, perhaps, a good one. I worked at the sermon for next Sunday until it was time to go to the Cathedral for the Choral Eucharist. Only six persons communicated beside the Celebrant. The set of the tide in the direction of the Mass is very strong. Lady Gaisford lunched with me. She is full of political gossip, mostly, I should judge, worthless. I attended Evensong, & then attended a meeting of the Freemasons' Lodge, where no less than two hours were wonderfully expended while thus engaged. Colonel Gaisford arrived, & when I returned to the Deanery, I found him engaged in assisting Ella & Driver in divers gardening activities. He is now out of military employment, for the day of the "dug–out" is over, & there is a plethora of wounded officers from the front, for whom it is requisite to find employment at home, & who are fully equipped with knowledge of war in its most recent developments. The evening was wasted in talk, not very interesting or informative.