The Henson Journals

Wed 31 January 1917

Volume 20, Page 56


Wednesday, January 31st, 1917.

912th day

The E.C.U. at their meeting in York yesterday, passed a resolution deploring the intention of the Dean of Durham to preach in the City Temple "as a flagrant violation of Church order and discipline". The morning post brought me a letter from the Bishop of London enclosing a type written letter evidently designed for publication. It occurred to me that his Lordship had given me an opportunity of making an effective statement of the larger issues at stake & accordingly I spent most part of the day in drafting a letter in reply. But I was much interrupted by visitors, & made but little progress. I attended Mattins. Old Lord Londonderry came to lunch. I walked with Cruickshank, & on my return attended a meeting at the Chapter Clerk's office in order to determine what we could invest of the capitular funds in the War Loan.