The Henson Journals

Sat 27 January 1917

Volume 20, Page 60


Saturday, January 27th, 1917.

908th day

A cheerless icy morning with occasional essays in snow!

The choral celebration at 11 a.m. was very scantily attended, but the procession was long, and the singing sounded very beautiful under the great vault. Just 30 people came to lunch, for several failed at the last moment for various reasons. The Bishop of Newcastle was among my guests; and Hadow. The procession at the special service was made more varied and pompous by the presence of the University magnates in their gaudy robes. Lord Durham was there with a party. The congregation was not large, but larger than I had expected. I preached from Heb: x.39 "But we are not of them that shrink back unto perdition: but of them that have faith unto the saving of the soul". After the service there came many into the Deanery for tea, including the Lambton party. When at last everybody had gone away, I felt extremely fatigued. Gouldsmith and Dawson Walker expressed warm approval of my decision to preach at the City Temple.

Capt. Lewis brought a young officer named Brook to the service, and afterwards to tea. Radcliffe sent a cheque for £402: being the amount of insurance bonus.