The Henson Journals

Sun 28 January 1917

Volume 20, Page 58


4th Sunday after Epiphany, January 28th, 1917.

909th day

The Church Parade at 10 a.m. was resumed after an interval of some nine months. About 100 of the Transport Corps, and as many cadets made up the congregation. I talked to them about the Cathedral taking as my text "The foundations are upon the Holy Hills".

At Mattins the Bishop of Jarrow preached on S. Paul's Conversion, and emphasised the fact that there was in it no conviction of sin! After Mattins I celebrated the Holy Communion. Ella and Ernest communicated. At Evensong we had the Anthem of Boyce "O where shall Wisdom be found?", very well sung considering the fewness of our singing men. After tea I wrote many letters.