The Henson Journals

Wed 17 January 1917

Volume 20, Page 76


Wednesday, January 17th, 1917.

898th day


I finished reading Sanday's correspondence with Strong. The two men work out to a complete mutual antagonism. "It is no doubt true that the Dean expresses himself very much in general terms but on the surface one might almost think that he was defending the Papal Bull against Modernism" – that is the sum of it all.

The broad indisputable result of the excellent Sanday's essays in peace–making is to demonstrate the unbridgeable chasm which severs his candid generous spirit from the hide–bound bigotry of his valued friends! Strong is even more obscurant than I had supposed.

This day has been frittered away. Partly, the circumstance that I had developed a bad cold, partly the difficulty of determining what to treat of in my sermon on the 27th explains the fact, which, however, is lamentable enough. Mrs Rogerson came to lunch & afterwards Jim and I walked for nearly two hours in the snow.