The Henson Journals

Thu 18 January 1917

Volume 20, Page 76


Thursday, January 18th, 1917.

899th day

This day again has been wasted. I wrote a little sermon for the troops, and a few indispensable letters. Also I made a few notes for the Commem. Sermon, & attended a meeting in the Town Hall convened by the Mayor to concert measures for recognising the merits of those Durham men who have distinguished themselves during the war. George arrived shortly after 11 a.m., & stayed till tea time going through my old letters. He works steadily & silently, but the mere presence of anybody else in my room is unfavourable to work. The snow seems to be going, the slush in the streets is worthy of Canada in the spring, but the glass is high & it is distinctly premature to assume that the 'cold snap' is over. A copy of Ernest's "The Monks of Westminster" arrived from the bookseller. It is an excellent piece of work.