The Henson Journals

Tue 16 January 1917

Volume 20, Page 78


Tuesday, January 16th, 1917.

897th day


Dr Sanday on F. W. Robertson (v. 'Spirit, Matter, & Miracle' p. 66.)

"In regard to the New Testament, there is one name that is apt to be overlooked, F. W. Robertson (1816–53) of Brighton. The reason for this comparative neglect is probably because he was a simple parish clergyman, and not a technical scholar or theologian: he comes more into the history of thought and action than into the history of exegesis. But I imagine that his was the first clear example of what may be called the realistic study of the Bible, envisaging the Biblical characters, not as saints upon a pedestal, but as living men and women in the circumstances of their time. And this with him was a genuine British product, independent of foreign influences."

The morning post brought me an invitation to preach in the "City Temple", from the Church Committee of that institution. It occurred to me that it might be both wise and bold to accept, & I wrote a careful letter, well–adapted, if occasion arose, for publication proposing to do so on Sunday, March 25th. I received from the Life Assurance Office the cash bonus (£140.16.0) on the smaller of my policies, and paid it forthwith into my Bank, ordering the Manager to secure for me £500 of the new War Loan Stock. I wrote to Sanday, asking him to send me one of his 'privately printed' symposia. Also I sent out, through Hughes, the invitations to lunch on the 27th inst.

There was more snow at intervals during the day, & no sign of any change of weather. After dinner I read aloud some of "Pickwick", and actually succeeded in keeping Jim awake!