The Henson Journals

Mon 15 January 1917

Volume 20, Page 80


Monday, January 15th, 1917.

896th day

I started by reading "Spirit, Matter, & Miracle. A friendly discussion betn T. B. Strong D.D. and W. Sanday D.D.": then I attended Mattins, and wrote a number of letters. George came & went through two boxes of old letters, taking out those from the Warden, Raleigh, & Doyle. It is a melancholy performance this turning over of old letters. So much has not come to pass which once seemed possible, and even probable. So many, who once were near and dear, have become estranged and even hostile. So many are no more in this world. Leaving George at work alone, I walked with Jim and Clara. The snow was considerable, and still falling. On my return I wrote some more of the Lecture.

After dinner I read "Martin Chuzzlewit" aloud to my family. The description of Eden is capital reading. After our guests had retired Ella and I read the book "Red Rock" which gives a vivacious account of the tyranny of the Carpet–baggers in the South, after the conclusion of the American Civil War.