The Henson Journals

Sun 14 January 1917

Volume 20, Page 80


2nd Sunday after Epiphany, January 14th, 1917.

895th day

The country was covered with snow during the night, and fresh snow–falls more than made up for the wastage by thawing during the day. Before breakfast I wrote to Harold Knowling, and started reading Sanday & Williams on "Form and Content in the Christian Tradition". This very interesting and illuminating exchange of letters engaged my leisure during the day, and I finished it before dinner. I wrote a letter to the "Record", answering some editorial references to me in this week's issue. I attended Mattins and Evensong. Also I celebrated the Holy Communion at midday. After Evensong I walked round Houghall Wood. Logic accompanied me as far as the wood, and then lost himself. However, he turned up again about 10 p.m.