The Henson Journals

Thu 21 October 1915

Volume 20, Page 453


Thursday, October 21st, 1915.

444th day


I finished Balfour's Lectures. Gee called on me during the morning, & was quickly followed by the Precentor, and Canon Martin. Perkins the newly appointed Vicar of Shadforth, and the Cruickshanks lunched here. I attended Evensong, & afterwards attended a meeting of the University Lodge of Freemasons, where Whalley was invested as Worshipful Master, & I as Chaplain. Lord Barnard, the Provincial Grand Master, also attended. The proceedings lasted about an hour & a half. It was astonishing how much ceremony & ritual was indulged in. I observed to Lord B. "Surely the English are born Ritualists!". It is a question how much vitality there is in Freemasonry. For the present, however, I reserve judgement. That the Order is numerous and powerful is not to be denied.