The Henson Journals

Fri 22 October 1915

Volume 20, Page 455


Friday, October 22nd, 1915.

445th day

I corrected the proof of my Cryptic sermon, & returned them to Rees, also, I prepared notes for the Manchester branch of the Churchmen's Union. Then came the 'Rescue & Refuge' meeting in the drawing room, over which, in the Bishop's absence, I presided. Peter Green from Manchester made the principal speech, & was less absurd than I expected. He is a young–looking man, with the pale face, eager eyes, & straight hair of the fanatick. He is a feminist, a total abstainer, a vegetarian, and an extreme Radical–Socialist! Also, he is unmarried, & carries the confident ardour of the celibate into all discussions of matters sexual! Jim & Clara arrived before dinner, & I took Jim for a walk before dinner. He is not very cheerful about the war.