The Henson Journals

Wed 20 October 1915

Volume 20, Page 453


Wednesday, October 20th, 1915.

443rd day

Thirteen years have slipped away since Ella and I exchanged vows before the high altar of Westminster. It is something that we should still be willing to recall the event, & desire to stand together in a world which grows more cheerless & difficult as the years pass. I spent the day mostly in reading Balfour's Gifford Lectures. They are brilliantly written, & extremely interesting. I went to Evensong, & afterwards (as the rain made walking out of doors unattractive) took a constitutional with Ella in the great Library. Then I wrote a long letter to Linetta. After an early dinner we attended a lecture in the Mayor's chamber organized by the Citizen's League with the object of promoting thrift. The lecturer was Professor Hallsworth of Newcastle, & there was but a scanty attendance. There was a discussion afterwards in which I took some part. Jevons made an old fanatical speech in which he denounced the rich, and spoke with extraordinary vehemence on the duty of dismissing servants &c.