The Henson Journals

Thu 8 July 1915

Volume 20, Page 263


Thursday, July 8th, 1915.

339th day

The chilly wet weather continues. I attended Mattins in the Cathedral. Ellis, the sub–organist, came to ask whether I should object to his becoming choir–master at S. Margaret's, Durham. I said that it concerned me but little what office he accepted, provided his duties at the Cathedral were fully and faithfully fulfilled. He promised that this condition would be made explicit & set down in writing. Sir Edward Johnson Ferguson & his wife lunched with us, & saw the Cathedral. He appears to have a considerable interest in the 'Dean & Chapter' coal mine. After Evensong I walked with Logic round Houghall Wood. I got out from the Library Warburton's copy of Neal's 'History of the Puritans'. He has written in the margin many characteristically pungent comments, some of which have value, & all are possessed of considerable interest. I meditate making these 'notes' the subject of a paper, which would satisfy sufficiently my undertaking to read a paper to the Royal Society of Literature next spring.