The Henson Journals

Thu 17 June 1915

Volume 20, Page 245


Thursday, June 17th, 1915.

318th day

We took Caröe & his wife with us, and motored to Raby, where we lunched with Lord Barnard. After lunch he shewed us the castle, which is of great extent, extraordinary massiveness, & remarkable beauty. As a specimen of feudal architecture, I hardly recall anything superior. This applies to the exterior. The interior has been handled very drastically & for the most part with little taste. It is sufficiently evident that Lord Barnard appreciates his noble house, & desires to maintain it worthily. Two appendages of feudalism – a herd of red deer, & a heronry – yet survive on the Raby property. Later, I motored to Newcastle, and attended a meeting at the Town Hall in aid of the Children's Country Holiday Fund. I made a speech of about 20 minutes.