The Henson Journals

Wed 5 May 1915

Volume 20, Page 205


Wednesday, May 5th, 1915.

275th day

I wrote cheques for the month's Housekeeping accounts. I wrote to Scott Lidgett 'crying off' the article in the "Contemporary": and sent a short note to the Abp. saying that I had done this. Pearce tells me that 6 of the London incumbents, including Mackay of All Saints, Margaret Street, are threatening to resign their benefices by way of protesting against the "Statement". If they would carry out their threat there would be compensation for one's disappointment; but there's little prospect of this. We motored to Brandon where I presided at a performance of Haydn's 'Creation' by the 'Musical Union' of which our lay vicar, Vincent Jones, is the conductor. In one of the 'intervals' I made a brief speech about Serbia as the proceeds were to be given to the Serbian Rad Cross Fund. I was amused by the speeches of the mover & seconder of a vote of thanks to me. The one was conceived in ample & indiscriminating terms; the other was cautiously limited. I inferred that the speaker was a total abstainer, and anxious not to be supposed to approve my attitude towards the Drink Question.