The Henson Journals

Fri 25 December 1914

Volume 20, Page 101


Christmas Day, December 25th, 1914.

144th day

A hard frost. I celebrated in the Cathedral at 8 a.m. The Choral Eucharist was attended by 290 soldiers, that is, the first part of the service, for they sang "God save the King", and left after the sermon. I preached from the words "The foolishness of God is wiser than men: the weakness of God is stronger than men". They coughed so furiously that I omitted great part of my discourse! Ella & I lunched at the Castle with Colonel Grimshaw, and about 400 of his men. After the meal they all marched past the regimental colours in the Chapter House. I caused the two candles on the Altar to be lighted at Evensong. The Choir sang very well. After service Colonel G. brought his wife to tea, & I shewed her the house, for which she expressed a copious admiration. Miss Christopher came to dine – a cheerful & intelligent person who, as I learned with interest, is grand–daughter of old Canon Christopher, so well–known in Oxford by his ear–trumpet & missionary breakfasts. After dinner I followed a long–established custom of my household, by reading aloud Milton's "Ode on the Nativity".