The Henson Journals

Fri 6 November 1914

Volume 20, Page 55


Friday, November 6th, 1914.

95th day

I attended a meeting of the Relief Committee. The reports show that so far there is practically no extraordinary distress in the county, though the increasing difficulty of navigation in the North Sea renders it very probable that many of the mines will have to 'shut down' either wholly or partly. Lord Durham attended the meeting. He looks very sad and over–wrought. A paragraph in the Newcastle paper, giving a wholly mendacious account of his brother's death has evidently annoyed him very much.

Yesterday, I noted the announcement in the "Times" that Sir John Lister Kaye had become bank–rupt. It may well have been the case that the Putamayo scandal was the cause of his failure: for he seems to have "earned" the bulk of his income as a company promoter, & his reputation in that capacity can hardly have survived the Report of the Parliamentary Commission. The scandal was very largely the result of the sermon which I preached in the Abbey just before leaving England for America in August 1912.

I attended a meeting of the curators of the Chapter Library. We selected some books for purchase. Then I attended Evensong in the Cathedral.