The Henson Journals

Thu 19 March 1914

Volume 19, Page 135


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Thursday, March 19th, 1914.

Caröe arrived before breakfast, and inspected the work in the crypt, with which he did not appear to be well pleased. He went off on business of his own for most part of the day, but returned in time for dinner. Bishop Tucker & Cruickshank came in, & we discussed the projected work in the cathedral. Caröe strongly advised us to entrust the work to Gaymor (?) [sic], who had carried through the restoration of the great tower at Canterbury with such marked success.

I corrected the proof of my Edinburgh Review article on Kikuyu, & returned it to Harold Cox. Lord Durham wrote to me a civil note, approving my attitude towards the British Covenant, as expressed in my letter to Lord Londonderry.

Issues and controversies: Kikuyu