The Henson Journals

Sat 20 December 1913

Volume 19, Pages 92 to 93


Saturday, December 20th, 1913.

Balfour was down to prayers, in which he joined with evident devoutness. After breakfast I took him across to the Castle, where the philosophers were to hold their meeting: then I presided at a Chapter meeting, which filled the time until lunch. Tucker & Nickson came to lunch. Arthur talked very interestingly. I accompanied him to the station, &, as the train was late, had some talk with him.

I attended meeting of the Sherburn Trustees. Mr Assistant–Commissioner Kaye attended, and we had a long discussion of the suggested re–arrangements of the Charity. We insisted on the two main points (α) the retention of the clerical Head: (β) the retention of the in–between.


Copies of "The Notes of my Ministry" sent to the following:

1. Abp. Of Canterbury 26. Sir Henry Graham
2. Dean “ “ 27. Capt. Butler
3. Bp. of Dover 28. Mr Balfour
4. Archdeacon Spooner 29. Asquith
5. Canon Moore 30. Simon
6. Bp. of Winchester 31. The Warden
7. “ “ Southampton 32. Sir J. Kennaway
8. Dean of Winchester 33. Sir E. Clarke
9. Archdeacon Fearon 34. Bp. of S. David's
10. “ Robinson 35. “ “ Llandaff
11. Canon Vaughan 36. “ “ Hereford
12. Headmaster of Winr 37. Dean of Ch. Ch.
13. Dean of Westminster 38. Master of Balliol
14. Canon Pearce 39. W.W. Jackson
15. Bp. Boyd Carpenter 40. Bp. Welldon
16. Dr Gow 41. Bp. of Manchester
17. Radcliffe 42. Warden of New College
18. Sir H. Craik 43. Dean of Wells
19. Abp. Of York 44. Canon Rawnsley
20. Bp. of Durham 45. Curzon
21. “ “ Ripon 46. Master of the Temple
22. “ “ Carlisle 47. Mitford Mitchell
23. “ “ Chester 48. McAdam Muir
24. Dean of S. Paul's 49. Balfour of Burleigh
25. The Speaker 50. Lady Londonderry