The Henson Journals

Fri 19 December 1913

Volume 19, Page 91


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Friday, December 19th, 1913.

The "Times" publishes a letter from Canon Mason answering mine with some natural asperity. I wrote a brief rejoinder.

Arthur Balfour arrived from Edinburgh during the afternoon. I met him at the station with the car. We dined with the philosophers at Hatfield Hall. On the whole the party was a pleasant one.

I had some talk with Balfour about the Kikuyu Conference. He himself introduced the subject, otherwise, in view of his close relationship with the Bishop of Winchester, I do not think I should have felt free to raise it. He expressed his entire agreement with my attitude; & his frank dissent from Winton. He himself communicated in both Churches, having received Confirmation in England, but not holding that he was thereby precluded from receiving the Sacrament in the Scottish Kirk.

Mother & Marion arrived from London by the late train.

Issues and controversies: Kikuyu