The Henson Journals

Sun 21 December 1913

Volume 19, Page 94


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4th Sunday in Advent, December 21st, 1913.

I celebrated in the Cathedral at 8 a.m. At 10 a.m. the Ordination was held. There were many priests ordained. The sermon was preached by the Revd A. C. Fraser, Vicar of St. Bede's, Sunderland.

The preacher & one of the newly ordained priests, Denham, a nephew of an old Oxford friend of mine, came to lunch. I attended Evensong in the cathedral. Mr Harriss, the Vicar of S. Andrew's, Oxford, preached.

After Service the Bishop came into the Deanery: & I asked him to compose some stanzas to be asserted in Milton's paraphrase of Psalm 136, to match the occasion of our Commemoration on Janry 27th. This he readily undertook.

In conversation the Bishop expressed his great regret that he had never enjoyed the opportunity of receiving the Holy Sacrament in the Scottish Church. This interested me greatly, for too commonly it is the case that Evangelicals, who would readily admit Presbyterians to communion, do themselves shrink from receiving the Communion from Presbyterians.