The Henson Journals

Thu 18 December 1913

Volume 19, Page 86



Saturday, December 18th, 1913.

This day has been grievously wasted mostly in correcting proofs, & writing letters.

The "Times" publishes two letters on the Kikuyu Conference

  1. the belated one from the Bishop of Durham: and
  2. one from Bishop Tucker, associating himself directly with Bishop Willis's action.

We dined with Bp. Tucker in order to meet Bp. Willis. I had a good deal of conversation with the latter on this Kikuyu business. He tells me that he is about to visit the Bishop of Winchester. This of course is the familiar procedure. It will be interesting to see whether he is strong enough to withstand the 'lobbying' skill of Bishop Talbot.

I inquired as to the Roman Catholics in Uganda, who already exceed the Protestants in number, though, owing to their inferior education, they do not equal them in influence. Of the 20 paramount chiefs, 11 are Protestant: 8 are Roman Catholic, & 1 is Mohammedan. The Romans are much better staffed, having 2 bps & 300 priests, as against 1 Anglican bp. & 100 other workers, clerical & lay including many females! Mohammedanism is failing mainly through its contempt of education.

Issues and controversies: Kikuyu