The Henson Journals

Mon 30 June 1913

Volume 18, Page 374


Monday, June 30th, 1913.

After breakfast the Bishop took us to see the Rylands Library, and the Chetham Foundation. Both are really notable institutions, the latter is also very fascinating – a relic of the older world surviving in the heart of a modern city. The building is of the 15th century: the foundation of the 17th. There are 100 poor boys fed & educated: and a fine library is maintained.

We came away by the 11.35 a.m. train which reached York at 1.41 p.m. We lunched on the train, & on reaching York went at once to the Cathedral. I was recognized by a civil verger, who shewed us over very politely. We arrived in Durham about 6.30 p.m.