The Henson Journals

Sun 29 June 1913

Volume 18, Page 373


6th Sunday after Trinity, June 29th, 1913.

We attended service in the Cathedral at 10.30 a.m. – Mattins & Choral Communion. The singing of the Choir impressed me as very good, & the music devotional, but the sermon by the Canon in Residence on the character of St Peter was a poor performance.

After lunch we called on the Bishop of Manchester: & had some talk with the great man & his wife.

At tea we had some discussion on the ecclesiastical situation in this city. Mr R. asserts that the Church of England is very weak, being discredited by the bitterness of the rival factions. The present Bishop is described as a thorough–going partisan. Papistry is said to be strong & advancing. Religion generally but weak, though Churches many.

I preached in the evening in the Cathedral to a great congregation. My sermon was 'above the heads' of my hearers: &, though they listened their hardest, they could make nothing of it!! However, Welldon pledged me to preach to the Railway Men at their annual service on the 2nd Sunday in October, 1914.