The Henson Journals

Tue 1 July 1913 to Fri 4 July 1913

Volume 18, Pages 374 to 375


Tuesday, July 1st, 1913.

Mr Pemberton brought some Canadian friends to see the Cathedral. They stayed to lunch.

There was a vast assemblage of Members of the Mothers' Union in the Cathedral at 3.15. The Bishop preached.

At 5 p.m. there was a long meeting of the Council of the Durham Colleges; at which we appointed Miss Wragge to be the Principal of the Ladies' Hostel.

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I went to London on Wednesday, the 2nd July, and dined at the Mansion House with the Abps & Bps. I sate beside Kemp, now Chancellor of the London diocese.

On Thursday, the 3rd July, I attended the sitting of that preposterous assembly, the Representative Church Council, and made a speech on the representation of the laity. It was fairly listened to, but of course effected nothing. In the afternoon I went to the Archbishop's Garden Party at Lambeth, where I met many old friends.

On Friday, the 4th July I went to the Palace, & in Committee Room 12, took part in a conference with Roberts the Chairman of the Putumayo Ctee on the next step to be taken. We agreed on 5 points as reasonable.

  1. A discussion on the Appropriation Bill.
  2. An increase of the vote for the Foreign Office to provide consuls in the areas where 'native labour' exists.
  3. A deputation to the Prime Minister.
  4. An Act consolidating & 'bringing up to date' the Anti–slavery Acts.
  5. An amendment of Company law so as to make clear the responsibility of directors.

Then I packed my bag, bade farewell to Pearce who had hospitably entertained me, & returned to Durham.

Issues and controversies: Putumayo