The Henson Journals

Mon 23 June 1913 to Sat 28 June 1913

Volume 18, Pages 371 to 372



Monday, June 23rd, 1913.

A day of disasters! I went to Stockton–on–Tees in order to make a speech at a garden party in aid of the C. of E. Waifs & Society. But the train was late, & lost its connexion at Ferryhill, so that I found myself stranded at that detestable junction with the prospect of 3 hours' waiting. I returned to Durham, lunched at home, & brought out Ella by the later train. We were met at Ferryhill by our garden–party host's car, & motored (in top–hat & Gainsborough!) at break–neck speed to the scene of action. Here I made a speech & we had tea. Returning, I lost my pocket diary with the list of my engagements.

After dinner I wrote a long letter to Asquith respecting the vacant canonry at Westminster. I begged him to consider four names which I set down in the order of my personal preference. These were 1. Gow, 2. Rashdall, 3. Charles, 4. Kirsopp Lake.


On Tuesday, the 24th June 1913, the Judge (Rowlatt) and the Commissioner (English Harrison) came to dinner with their marshalls. With some difficulty we got together a company to meet them. Two of the choir boys came in, & sang grace more antiguo.

On Wednesday, June 25th, I made an inspection of the Choir School, which seemed to me very unsatisfactory from the point of fire–risks. We lunched with the Robinsons. I attended the Confirmation in the Cathedral. Olive was confirmed. I gave her a Bible.

On Thursday, June 26th Ella went to Ripon for the Choir Festival. I wrote a letter to the 'Times' on the Representation of the Laity.

Mr Justice Rowlatt & his marshall had tea with me: & afterwards I shewed them over the Cathedral.

My letter appeared in the "Times" for Saturday, the 28th June. In the afternoon of that day we travelled to Manchester to spend the week–end with Welldon. Mr & Mrs Russell are also guests.