The Henson Journals

Tue 22 April 1913

Volume 18, Page 329


Tuesday, April 22nd, 1913.

Ella and I breakfasted early, & bade farewell to our guests. We travelled to Newcastle by the 8.45 a.m. train in order to attend a breakfast, organized by the Hon. Emily Kinnaird in order to start a scheme for a Young Women's Christian Association Institute. An aged Wesleyan – Sir Wm Stephenson – presided. He was referred by the Lord Mayor as the leading citizen in Newcastle. I made a brief speech, & rashly promised £30 in three annual payments. Then we went into the City: I got my hair cut: & we bought some furniture at Robson's. Then we went to lunch with the workers, & I spoke to them again. Then we parted, Ella going to call on Mrs Straton, & I returned to Durham, & attended Evensong in the Cathedral.

After dinner the Committee of Chapter appointed to prepare plans & estimates for the new House met in my Study. Mr Wood, the Architect, produced his plans, & Budworth & Cruickshank – as educational experts – made criticisms & suggestions. We were all rather dismayed at the cost – £6500 apart from architect's fees.