The Henson Journals

Tue 4 March 1913

Volume 18, Pages 300 to 301


Tuesday, March 4th, 1913.

I worked at a sermon for next Sunday, when I am due to preach to the University of St Andrew's. My labours were interrupted by the visit of a parson begging for a chapter living. He gained nothing by his fool's errand. Then we lunched with the Cruickshanks, with whom we went to Newcastle. Here we parted company, dividing on the basis of sex; the two ladies going on a 'shopping' venture, their husbands proceeding to the Medical School to attend a meeting of the Senate of the University. Here we expended an hour & a half not without amusement. Sir George Philipson was in the chair, & his pompous magniloquence was funny enough. He welcomed me with appropriate courtesies. I sate between Jevons & Hadow. In the course of the business there was produced a letter from the Convocation of Victoria University inviting the Senate to cooperate in an effort to secure Parliamentary Representation for the new Universities. It seemed that this would be dismissed straight away: so I got up, & begged the Senate to treat it seriously. This they decided to do, & carried by 19 to 4 a resolution which I moved, promising cooperation in an effort to secure representation in Parliament for the unrepresented Universities. Cruickshank opposed me, & so did Wilson, the Miners' member. We went back to Durham by the 5.10 train.



Compleat Conformist,


Seasonable Advice


Strict Conformity


Frequent Celebration

of the

Holy Communion

In a


Preached (on the seventh of January, being the first Sunday after the Epiphany, in the Year 1682) at the Cathedral: And a letter written to the clergy of the Archdeaconry of Durham.

By Denis Grenville D.D. Archdeacon and Prebendary of Durham.


Printed for Robert Clavell, at the Peacock in St. Pauls Church–Yard. 1684.