The Henson Journals

Mon 3 March 1913

Volume 18, Page 299


Monday, March 3rd, 1913.

A tremendous tempest was blowing when the day broke, which moderated somewhat as the morning advanced. When I descended to the study – our sole resting–place in this palace of confusion – I found to my horror a painter hard at work on the doorway into the library thus making the study also practically uninhabitable! For weeks past I have been assured that the rooms for our own occupation were ready for our entrance! "Put not your trust in princes, or in any child of man!"

After Mattins I joined Bishop Nixon & Bayley in making an inspection of the documents & treasury, with the object of having a proper catalogue of our corporate possessions made.

Then after Evensong Ella & I walked for an hour, returning in time to dress for dinner. We dined with Bishop Tucker, who interested me much by his conversation about Uganda. He is a fine artist, & has painted much. His walls are adorned by his sketches, & his hall is full of weapons &c brought from the scene of his missionary labours. He formed a hostile opinion of the notorious Dr Karl Peters.