The Henson Journals

Wed 5 March 1913

Volume 18, Page 302


Wednesday, March 5th, 1913.

After Mattins I called on Mr Jepson, & talked over the situation at the Sherburn Hospital. He seemed to think that the governors might be glad to get out of the existing dead–lock, & I forthwith wrote to Sir Lindsay Wood, asking his opinion, & suggesting that he should act with me at the next Governors' meeting on April 11th. I marked my letter 'Private & Confidential'.

In the afternoon Ella & I attended a meeting of the Discharge Prisoners' Aid Society, and I made a short speech.

The Warden of Bede College called on me, & urged the necessity of making some change in the situation with respect to his students. They are compelled to attend the morning service in the Cathedral, but the service is such that they can join in nothing. They can hear neither prayers, lessons, nor sermon: & are in revolt!

After the special service Watkins detained me in order to talk about the proposed new House at the School. He went on to press me to take immediate steps to stop the litigation between the University & some tenants of the Ecclesiastical Commission. But it is hard to see how I can thrust myself into a controversy of which I know nothing.