The Henson Journals

Sun 23 February 1913 to Fri 28 February 1913

Volume 18, Pages 290 to 292



3rd Sunday in Lent, February 23rd, 1913.

A bright frosty morning. The rooks are becoming busy with domestic arrangements. I observe with much satisfaction that a party has been inspecting the trees in the Deanery garden. I hope the birds will establish themselves there, and give me their comfortable comradeship. With a southern aspect for my windows, a garden to walk in, and rooks to haunt it – what constituent of rural felicity is absent? There is, however, always present the pressing & insoluble problem, how to vindicate one's possession of it to a public conscience which is ever more restive, and a public reason which is ever more perverse!

The Bishop of Jarrow preached at Mattins. He speaks with much fluency, & freely interlards his sermon with quotations from the better–known English poets. This circumstance suggests that he uses some homiletic labour–saving device such as the Transatlanticks employ. I celebrated after Mattins. There were but a handfull of communicants. The Sacrist had lighted the candles, misunderstanding a direction of mine. I lunched at the Archdeaconry, & there met old Lord Northbourne, whose snores in the Cathedral had hindered me from attending to the Sermon! After lunch we walked on the banks of the Wear, admiring the views of the Cathedral.


At Evensong, the Sermon was preached by Canon Mosse, one of the honorary canons. It was an amazingly crude performance. I read the 2nd lesson, and gave the Benediction from the Altar.

I wrote letters to Gilbert, Ernest Bennett, Fedarb, and Ella.

Ella went to London on Friday, the 21st Feb., in order to attend the Court. She continued in town until Tuesday, the 25th, when she returned to Durham. I spent the interval of her absence with Knowling, by whom I was very hospitably entertained. On Wednesday, the 26th, we moved to Cruickshank's house, where we were kindly sheltered until Saturday evening.


Cheques drawn on Feb. 26th 1913.

1. Chapter Clerk of West r (Electric Light) £6 .17 .1
2. W. Lock & Sons 7 . .
3. K. C. Bayley (Taxes for 1912) 6 .3 .2
4. Ch. Printing C y 1 .17 .6
5. Symons & C o 24 .15 .
6. S. E. Willis 1 .9 .3

Cheques drawn on Feb. 27 th

7. Walford & Spokes 14 .13 .0

Cheques drawn on Feb. 28 th

8. Canon Ayles 3 .10 .0
9. Henry Robinson 1 .9 .0
10. Self 20 .0 .0