The Henson Journals

Sat 1 March 1913

Volume 18, Pages 293 to 294


Saturday, March 1st, 1913.

An important Chapter at 11 a.m. The Bishop of Jarrow moved two resolutions which I had drafted beforehand, & passed to him across the table.

  1. That the Dean be requested to Order that on & after Easter Day next the lessons at Mattins & Evensong be read in the Cathedral from the Revised Version.
  2. That the Treasurer be instructed to confer with the Dean & Sub–dean as to the copy of the Revised Version to be used at the Lectern in the Cathedral, & to provide the copy that they shall approve.

Bishop Tucker moved a resolution to this effect:–

'That the Dean, Sub–dean, & Bp Tucker together with the Sub–Treasurer be a Sub–Committee to consider the state of S. Cuthbert's Tomb, and the Font of Pittington & make recommendations to the Chapter.’

Three of the Examiners of the School – Messrs Fletcher, Strachan, & Bridge – attended the Chapter, & stated their opinions both as to the present state of the school, and the project of a third House. They were definitely favourable to the latter. Budworth the Head master also attended. He is, of course, strongly favourable to the building scheme.


We also appointed a small Committee (Dean, Sub–dean, & Treasurer) to draw up a statement as to the Services for which a Canon in Residence is responsible, & to make report at the next ordinary Chapter.

Everybody was placable & practical: we got through our business in less than 2 hours.

I paid away just over £10 in wages &c.

At last we transferred ourselves to the Deanery, where some rooms had been hastily made ready for our occupation. The rest of the house will be in the workmen's hands for some while to come.