The Henson Journals

Sun 15 December 1912 to Wed 18 December 1912

Volume 18, Pages 238 to 242


3rd Sunday in Advent, December 15th, 1912.

Many men's obedience is hereby discovered to be very scanty and faulty, especially in relation to Divine directions & commandments: even the obedience of such as think highly of that they have done.

Both the substance & circumstances of a charge are grounded on the same authority. To fail in either of them is to transgress His will that enjoyned the one as well as the other. No marvel then that the doing of one be blemished by omitting the other.

William Gouge. "God's Three Arrows" p. 96 (London. 1631).

I went to S. Margaret's at 8 a.m., & celebrated the Holy Communion; there were 22 communicants. I prayed especially for Cyril Still, who is to be baptized today.

There was a very large congregation at Mattins including the Speaker & Lord St Aldwyn: I preached on the Divine Message to the Church of Laodicea. It was the sermon which I preached in the Abbey on [239] December 18th 1910, & again in Appleton Chapel, Harvard University, on the 3rd of November 1912. So it was an 'old sermon', though it had never before been preached in S. Margaret's. The collection for the Q.V.C.F. was over £ 40.

Lady Limerick came to lunch, & was most interesting. She went with Ella to the Abbey, & came back to tea.

At 4 p.m. I baptized Cyril Arthur Still, Reggie's younger brother. His parents attended as witnesses, & all of them came in to tea afterwards.

The rain was falling heavily at Church time. In spite of this the church was full for Evensong. I preached from the words "Heaven & earth shall pass away: but My Words shall not pass away."

After service a number of the youth came in to the house for supper & talk – Clarence Stock & Fenwick, Cyril Hayward & Reggie Still, Lionel Box & Harold Knowling, Mr Lisle from the Crown Office, Elsie, Mary, & Linetta, Ranee Scott, Westlake & Edith Raynor, & Palgrave, besides three from the house – a supper–party of 17.


The last days of my life in Westminster pass rather aimlessly. On Monday, the 16th Dec., we went to the play – a patriotic play with a purpose, 'Drake’ – very full–bodied & well–staged. On Tuesday we dined quietly with the Grahams in Royal Court. It was a family party. After dinner, Sir Henry sang songs of his own composition, which were highly diverting. On Wednesday we lunched with Amery. There was an official from Portuguese East Africa present, who narrated from his personal knowledge some frightful cruelties of the Portuguese upon the natives. In the evening we attended the Latin play – the 'Famulus’. The Prologue contained a kind reference to one:–

Ingenio florens atque œtate tertius

Ad Hyberboreos migravit nobilissimo

Cuthberti fano famam adlaturus novam.

Doctrinam, acumen hujus, eloquentiam,

Sane omnibus laudata, non laudare ego

Ausim sed hoc adicere me tempus jubet

Quod, ex quo nostra habitavit in vicinia,

Hanc indefessa fovit amicitia domum.

Grates abeunti, ut paene nostrati, damus

Necnon prosequimur votis ut cum conjuge

Vita fruatur longa multisque adjuvet

Et civitatem et officiis ecclesiam


Flourishing in mental power and in third age

He has journeyed most celebrated to the people of the far frozen north

To bring new fame to

the Temple of Cuthbert.

Teaching, his sharpness of intellect, eloquence,

With healthy praise by all, it is not for me to praise.

But this tempts me to add

That when he lived in our neighbourhood

This house he favoured with unwearied friendship.

We give thanks at his departure that he was almost our own,

Not only followed by prayers that with his wife

He may enjoy a long life and help many

Both secular and ecclesiastical in office.]


Christmas Presents:–

[symbol] Gow. “The Creed in the Pulpit” [symbol] [symbol]
[symbol] Cyril Hayward “Pilgrim’s Progress” [symbol] [symbol]
[symbol] Pearce “The Creed in the Pulpit” [symbol] [symbol]
[symbol] Linetta “The Creed in the Pulpit” [symbol] [symbol]
[symbol] Mary Scott “The Creed in the Pulpit” [symbol] [symbol]
[symbol] Compston “The Creed in the Pulpit” [symbol] [symbol]
[symbol] Westlake Father Tyrell’s Autobiography [symbol] [symbol]
[symbol] Sir Hy Craik Life of Bp. Paget [symbol] [symbol]
[symbol] Fedarb Canterbury Cathedral [symbol] [symbol]
[symbol] Goss–Custard 'Puritanism in England’ [symbol] [symbol]
[symbol] Miss M. Graham 'The Creed in the Pulpit’ [symbol] [symbol]
[symbol] Gilbert Simpson 'Wild Life & the Camera’ [symbol] [symbol]
[symbol] Ernest Rudling 'A Dictionary of English Church History' [symbol] [symbol]
[symbol] Reggie Still “From Pole to Pole” Sven Hedin [symbol] [symbol]
[symbol] Fred. Ramsay “English & Welsh Cathedrals” [symbol] [symbol]
[symbol] Mrs Ramsay 'Some London Churches' [symbol] [symbol]
[symbol] Charlie Nixon 'The Book of Baby Birds’ [symbol] [symbol]
[symbol] Marcus Radcliffe 'The Book of Animals’ [symbol] [symbol]
[symbol] Radcliffe 'Puritanism in England’ [symbol] [symbol]
[symbol] Nixon 'Puritanism in England’ [symbol] [symbol]
[symbol] Aikin–Sneath 'Puritanism in England’ [symbol] [symbol]
[symbol] Perkins 'Puritanism in England’ [symbol] [symbol]
[symbol] Dams 'Puritanism in England’ [symbol] [symbol]
[symbol] Harold Knowling 'Wild Life & the Camera’ [symbol] [symbol]
[symbol] Gilbert Box 'Wild Life & the Camera’ [symbol] [symbol]
[symbol] Lionel Box Boys Book of Aeroplanes [symbol] [symbol]
[symbol] Norman Box 'Some London Churches’ [symbol] [symbol]


[symbol] Hine–Haycock 'Puritanism in England’
[symbol] Marshall 'Puritanism in England’
[symbol] J. W. Scholes 'Puritanism in England’ [symbol]
[symbol] Marsden The Creed in the Pulpit [symbol] [symbol]
[symbol] Dean of Windsor “ “ “ [symbol] [symbol]
[symbol] “ “ Winchester “ “ “ [symbol] [symbol]
[symbol] Archdeacon Fearon “ “ “
[symbol] Buff Murray “ “ “
[symbol] Olaf Caröe “ “ “ [symbol] [symbol]
[symbol] Alfred Spelling “ “ “
[symbol] Tommie Hall “ “ “
[symbol] Mary Lyttelton “ “ “
[symbol] Mrs Tennant “ “ “
[symbol] J. G. Wilson “ “ “ [symbol] [symbol]
[symbol] Alf. Lyttelton The Creed in the Pulpit
[symbol] W. D. Caröe The Creed in the Pulpit
[symbol] Mrs Paisley Puritanism in England
[symbol] Angel Colenso “ “ “ [symbol] [symbol]
[symbol] Countess of Limerick The Creed in the Pulpit [symbol] [symbol]
[symbol] Bp. of Durham Puritanism in England [symbol] [symbol]
[symbol] Archdeaon Watkins “ “ “ [symbol] [symbol]
[symbol] Lady Flower The Creed in the Pulpit [symbol] [symbol]
[symbol] Kirshbaum “ “ “ “ “ [symbol] [symbol]