The Henson Journals

Sun 8 December 1912 to Sat 14 December 1912

Volume 18, Pages 236 to 237


2nd Sunday in Advent, December 8th, 1912.

No prayer for light will save us from the trouble of conscientious labour, or bring us a miraculous knowledge; but it may woo to our side humility, sympathy, and candour, who will go with us, the angel guardians of our way, & keep us from the slough of self–deception.

James Drummond. 'Johannine Thoughts' p. 69.

I preached a "Farewell" sermon at Mattins. There was a very large congregation, including Alfred Lyttelton & Mrs Lowther. My text which of course was a mere label, & had no other relation to the Sermon, was taken from Romans XV. 5.6. Gilbert & I carried the MS. to the 'Times’ Office during the afternoon. The 'Times’ sent me a telegram yesterday begging for the MS.

The Bishop of London preached in the evening at the Abbey, & the overflow of his congregation thronged St Margaret's. Consequently the Offertory exceeded £11, making a total for the day of over £33.


The "Times" in its issue of Monday, the 9th December printed my sermon in extenso. If I may judge from the expressions of opinion which have come to me, it has pleased persons of very different types & temperaments. Thus the Dean of Rochester (Lane) & Hutton write in quite ardent terms: the Dean here expresses himself favourably: the Warden is very pleased with it. Dr Tait writes that it seemed to him 'perfect’. Arbuthnot was ardently laudatory. Several men whom I don't know came up to me in the Athenaeum to thank me for it. Several strangers have written in the same strain. Emmet, who counts as a Broad Churchman, thanks me warmly.

On Thursday we lunched with the Speaker and Mrs Lowther. They were most kind, & expressed much regret at our departure.

On Saturday we lunched with the Bp. of London, who was as ever affectionate. He would like to think that he is also large–minded: but it is not given to his type to be that. We parted in peace on the note of old memories.

In the evening I attended a meeting of the Guild.