The Henson Journals

Thu 5 December 1912

Volume 18, Page 235



Thursday, December 5th, 1912.

At 11.30 a.m. I called by appointment at 10 Downing Street, & had half an hour's conversation with the Prime Minister with reference to the appointment of my successor. He read out to me a list of names actually under consideration. These, as nearly as I can remember, were the following:–

Carnegie of Birmingham: Vernon Storr of Winchester: Willie Temple of Repton: Gow of Westminster: Gamble of Chelsea: Peile of Warwick.

I offered some reasons for preferring Storr, Gow, or Temple to Carnegie: but I don't think I made much impression on Asquith. He clearly inclines to Carnegie, but is impressed by the notion of making a bold experiment by appointing Temple.

I thanked him for his confidence in me, shown by his nomination to the Durham Deanery. He said he had been surprised & pleased by the way in which my appointment had been received in almost every quarter. He begged that when I had settled in my place, I would write to him about the situation at Durham: of which he said I hear no good account. I thanked him for the permission, & so took my departure, not having effected much but perhaps having done no harm. At least Asquith was very courteous & kind.