The Henson Journals

Wed 14 August 1912

Volume 18, Page 8


Wednesday, August 14th, 1912.

A true minister that loves Christ & his Sheep must have the wings of a Cock to rouse up first himself from security: & then, being converted, powerfully to awaken & strengthen others: & the watchfulness of a Cock to be ever ready to discover & forewarn danger; & the voice of a Cock, to cry aloud & tell Israel of their sins, & terrify the roaring Lion that seeks to devour them: & lastly, the hours of a Cock to preach in season & out of season the glad tidings of salvation.

Bp. Reynolds. 'Meditations on the Fall & Rising of St Peter' p. 74 [London 1677].

I sent to the Dean a letter from Canon Rawnsley, suggesting that Octavia Hill shd be buried in the Abbey, and I accompanied it with a letter saying that I didn't think she was adequately illustrious.

A young man who had been divorced called to ask me to celebrate his marriage. I refused, expounding to him the difference between the 'innocent' & the 'guilty' party.

The solicitors of the Directors of the Peruvian Amazon Cy sent me a long & vehemently worded document, exculpating the said directors. What does this portend?

Issues and controversies: divorce; Putumayo