The Henson Journals

Tue 13 August 1912

Volume 18, Page 7


Tuesday, August 13th, 1912.

Art thou secure, & yet hast sinned? It is because thou fearest no executioner. Thou fearest not him, because there's none to judge thee. There's none to judge because there's no accuser. There's none to accuse, because there's none to witness. There is no witness because thy sin is secret. Thou fool, thou hast all these within thyself. Thy conscience is them all, accuser, witness, jury, judge, executioner. Thou hast a court within thy heart, the court indeed of Conscience. For conscience there acts all these offices – indites, convicts, condemns & executes.

Richard Clerke. Sermons, p. 333. [London 1637].

Harold came to see me. He is glowing with manly health & beauty, weighs 11 st. 10 lbs.: & is as happy as possible. He gives a strange account of the behaviour in the Breton watering place whence he has returned.

Kirshbaum called & had tea. He is much exercised by the prospect of the Report of the Divorce Commission, which is announced for October.

Issues and controversies: divorce