The Henson Journals

Sat 10 August 1912

Volume 18, Page 4


Saturday, August 10th, 1912.

Had Stoicks & others, that hold all passions to be unbeseeming wise men, well discerned betwixt the nature & corruption of passions, they would easily have found out their own mistakings. For anger is as a shepherd's dog, which if it be not at his master's call, to run or return, & do this or that, may be very pernicious: but if he be ordered by his master, he may be very profitable against wolves & thieves.

William Gouge. "God's Three Arrows" p. 71. London A.D. 1631.

Mr Zabriskie called to ask me to recommend him a doctor. The poor man is still depressed by the effects of mal de mer in the Channel.

Intermittent thunderstorms all day.

Professor Nairne arrived during the afternoon. He came from Oxford where he has been staying with Watson.