The Henson Journals

Sun 11 August 1912

Volume 18, Page 5


10th Sunday after Trinity, August 11th, 1912.

All pretenders to Philosophy will indeed be ready to magnify reason to the skies, to make it the light of heaven & the very oracle of God: but they do not consider that the Oracle of God is not to be heard but in His holy temple, that is to say, in a good & holy man thoroughly sanctified in spirit, soul, and body. For there is a sanctity even of Body & Complexion, which the sensually minded do not so much as dream of.

Dr Henry More. 'Collection' p. viii. 4th edition. London, 1662.

A fine Sunday after the storms & rains of yesterday.

Nairne preached pleasantly at Mattins. I celebrated. There were 98 comts. Old Coleridge's cough was most disturbing. After service we walked round the Parks.

There was a very large congregation in the Abbey. I preached from Isaiah XI.9.

Kirshbaum preached at 7 p.m. The church was again crowded. Mr Zabriskie, his wife, & his son came to supper.

I wrote to Ella.