The Henson Journals

Fri 9 August 1912

Volume 18, Page 3


Friday, August 9th, 1912.

'To use the same matter & manner in all auditories is as if a Shoemaker should make all his ware of an equal size for children & men, great & little: there being as much difference betwixt the inward gifts & necessities, as betwixt the outward statures. As in other invitations, we carve that to the guests which is most suitable to their several palates & appetites; so in these spiritual feats, we should be careful to fit our preparations unto the capacity & edification of the hearers.'

Bishop Wilkins. 'A discourse concerning the Gift of Preaching' p. 40 [A.D. 1675]

A photographer from the Central News Ltd took several shots at me in various positions in my study.

Arthur Rawle came to see me. He has just returned from Canada, where he visited Gilbert & Lois.

I called to see young Craik who has injured his foot, & is confined to the House.

Gilbert dined here.

Today my coal–cellars were filled up – 7 tons of kitchen coal & 4 tons of parlour coal being brought in.