The Henson Journals

Thu 8 August 1912

Volume 18, Page 2


Thursday, August 8th, 1912.

If you stand on comparisons, look on those that are above you, that go beyond you in grace and zeal, & look not so much on the sins of others as your own: another man's sins may condemn him, they cannot save thee.

Archbishop Usher. [v. "Eighteen Sermons preached in Oxford, 1640". London 1660 p. 47]

I celebrated the Holy Communion in Henry VIIth's Chapel.

After breakfast Clarence Stock took his departure. I gave him a parting homily on greater application to his reading for the Final School.

Mr George Zabriskie called to see me. He is the chairman of the publishing company of the "Churchman", & is designing to promote its interest on this side. I tried to make him keen about rousing American opinion in the matter of the Putumayo atrocities.

The "Record" refers in somewhat surprisingly flattering terms to my sermon of last Sunday, but omits all reference to the Roman Catholic Mission.

Issues and controversies: Putumayo