The Henson Journals

Tue 25 June 1912

Volume 17, Page 440


Tuesday, June 25th, 1912.

We dined with Mr Yerburgh M.P. for Chester, at his house 25 Kensington Gore. The dinner party numbered no less than 30 persons. I took down to dinner the Authoress, Mrs Forbes, a rather uncanny–looking female who, however, was agreeable & talkative. The house is full of pictures. Sir Joshua Reynolds, Gainsborough, Romney, & more modern painters have been drawn upon to cover the walls with things of beauty. The pictures were collected by Mrs Yerburgh's father, Thwaites. She told me – no, one of the guests who professed to be her intimate friend from the cradle – that the noble picture, "The ladies Waldegrave", had originally cost £19,000: & was now valued at £100,000. It had been scheduled as an heir–loom, & paid no Death–duties. There were water–colours by Turner in the lower room, & in truth the house combined the charms of a palace & a picture–gallery.

My letter headed, 'A case of Counter–Appeals with a difference', appeared in this morning's "Times".

Sir George White, the hero of Ladysmith, died yesterday: Alma–Tadema the painter died today.