The Henson Journals

Fri 14 June 1912

Volume 17, Page 433


Friday, June 14th, 1912.

We lunched at the Windsor Hotel with the Dunroach Smiths . Thereafter we attended a meeting in Devonshire House in aid of the Physical Development League. The Duke presided. Lord Reay, St Loe Strachey, and Boyd Carpenter spoke. There was a "fête" in the garden, but this I did not wait for.

In the evening I dined with the Prime Minister, stopping on the way to look in at the Reunion of Old Scholars in the National Schools. The Abp. of Canterbury, the Bishop of London, Inge, the Dean & I represented the Church. Cardinal Bourne, & a "Free Churchman" named Mitchell were of the party. After dinner I went to the reception at the India Office, & there saw many people, & joined Ella. We got home shortly after midnight.