The Henson Journals

Sun 16 June 1912 to Sat 22 June 1912

Volume 17, Pages 434 to 436


2nd Sunday after Trinity, June 16th, 1912.


During the night rain fell heavily, but it cleared up about 8 a.m. I celebrated in St Margaret's. There were 22 comts.

My sermon this morning is really the first draft of one of the Lectures which I intend to deliver to the Andover College Students. Its theme is 'The Problem of Ecclesl Unity'. There was a large congregation, though there were vacant seats in the Parliamentary Benches. The sermon was listened to with very close attention, but I fear the hungrier sheep were not fed by it.

A Canadian clergyman named Blagrave came to lunch, also Mr & Mrs Potter, & a lady whose name escapes me. In the afternoon I wrote letters to Carissima & Mary.

There was a very large congregation in the Nave of the Abbey Church at 7 p.m. when I preached on 2. Petter [sic] iii. 'We look for new Heavens, & a new Earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness'. I occupied for the first time the Jacobean pulpit which we have just substituted for the little old XVth century pulpit which we call Cranmer's. The latter has a sounding board, which is lacking from the former, a circumstance which brings the acoustics into some uncertainty . However I think everybody could hear.

Raleigh, Harold & Elsie, Linetta & Gilbert came in to supper.


~~Men will never be cured of believing too little by unscrupulous attempts to involve them in believing too much. Reason will never be effectually restrained from wandering into the vague & doubtful, by unauthorised claims to settle every controversy by authority, & to forbid the exercise of God's great gift of reason, as if to think for ourselves, and follow the dictates of conscience, were a sin. It is well to note in history how these two evils, superstition & infidelity, act & react in strengthening each other. Still, I cannot doubt that the most formidable of the two for us at present is infidelity.~~

Abp. Tait in 1880.

v. 'The Church of the Future' p. 34.


On Thursday, June 20th 1912, we dined with Mr George Macmillan. A very pleasant party.

On Friday, June 21st 1912, I dined at Gray's Inn. After dinner I found myself beside Tim Healey, who made himself most agreeable.

There is an interesting custom at Gray's Inn, of which the origin is lost in antiquity. Before dinner the Benchers & their guests seat themselves on forms, & are served with bread & 'wine' (i.e. a decoction such as is used for 'loving–cups' & for nothing else).

On Saturday, June 22nd 1912, Albert Stewart came to see me. He explained his failure to return the £5. borrowed at Whitsuntide, & displayed much concern at having displeased me. We parted after an affectionate reconciliation. Mr Appleton Lawrence & his newly–married wife called here, with a letter from Bishop Lawrence.

I shewed a party of Gresham College Students over the Abbey.