The Henson Journals

Sun 26 May 1912

Volume 17, Page 425


Whitsunday, May 26th, 1912.

No communicants at all presented themselves at 7 a.m. – an unprecedented & unpromising beginning for the Festival. At 8 a.m. there were but 51, a number which has only once been less during 12 years past. At the Choral Eucharist 151 persons communicated, making a total of only 202, no less than 48 fewer than last year.

I preached on the subject of the Festival at the Choral Eucharist, but wearily for the day waxed warm and sultry.

Sir Lionel Spencer, young Chapin & his wife, Gilbert & Reggie came in to lunch.

At Evensong the congregation was good, though mainly composed of visitors. I preached on 'Spiritual Healing' with as much lucidity as I could command. The attention was excellent.

Fenwick, a friend of Clarence Stock, Colin, & Gilbert, also Mrs Dickson, formed our party at supper.