The Henson Journals

Thu 23 May 1912

Volume 17, Page 424


Thursday, May 23rd, 1912.

The annual Vestry was held at noon, & was attended by a very scanty band. I nominated Sir Henry Craik: & Fedarb was elected as Churchwardens.

After the formal business I formally presented to Fedarb a Testimonial on the completion of his 50 years' residence in Westminster. It took the form of a silver replica of the 'Spanish Armada Vase', and a cheque for £67.5.0.

Mr Burke, who is editing the register, and Westlake lunched with me.

After lunch Ella & I attended three receptions – Mrs St Loe Strachey, Mrs Ryle, & Miss Pearce. Then I walked round the Park with the Precentor.

The Evening papers announced the appointment of Winfrid Burrows to the vacant bishoprick of Truro.

There seems to be every prospect of another crisis in 'Labour'. The transport workers of the Port of London announce a Strike for some trivial cause.