The Henson Journals

Thu 7 March 1912

Volume 17, Page 398


Thursday, March 7th, 1912.

~~Ambition is the ape of charity, & beareth all things: it can stoop, & drudge, & comply to rise.~~

Torshell l.c. 119.

The 'Vanity Fair' caricaturist came to work his art on me. He first got me to dress myself in hat, coat, and umbrella, & newspaper – which I had confessed to be my common aspect – then photographed me, finally made a few sketch–strokes: & so departed.

The coal strike still continues. Dolorous accounts of the closing down of factories &c fill the columns of the newspapers. There is talk of raising funds to relieve the distress among the poor who are doubly hit, their wages in many cases having stopped, & the prices of all necessaries, notably bread & coal, having suddenly gone up. We seem to be witnessing the deliberate suicide of a great nation.