The Henson Journals

Wed 6 March 1912

Volume 17, Page 397


Wednesday, March 6th, 1912.


Thompson's third Lecture dealt with the Divinity of Christ, & was, therefore, at the very centre of things. His parallel between Christianity & Buddhism was rather startling. He seemed to make no distinction between the Founders. The lecture was thoughtful, well–expressed, & extremely interesting. But it must have seemed dreadfully destructive to an inexperienced hearer. However his summary at the close was of a more re–assuring character.

I gave the first of my four addresses on the Creeds. There was a large number relatively in church, perhaps they expected something more elaborate than a simple exposition.

The Government have lost the seat at Manchester. In the present confusion, it is hard to determine what meaning to attach to anything. There seems reason for attributing the turn–over of votes to the unpopularity of the Insurance Act.