The Henson Journals

Fri 8 March 1912

Volume 17, Page 399


Friday, March 8th, 1912.

The Confirmation was taken by Boyd Carpenter, as the Bp of Kensington failed through indisposition at the last moment.

The following 9 boys were confirmed:

1. Norman Ethelbert Box. aged 15.
2. Leslie Arthur Chandler. " 15.
3. Leslie Barclay Henry. " 15.
4. George Glen Henderson " 23.
5. William Bernard Clay. " 30.
6. Sydney Percival Frederick Dibben " 15.
7. Clarence William Tait " 17.
8. Thomas Maltby " 16.
9. Walter Tillcock " 16.

There were also confirmed 24 female candidates including Dorothy Tait, Beatrice & Dorothy Fox, & Margaret Douglas.

My 3rd Lecture on "Puritanism in England" was devoted to the "The Intellectual Failure of Puritanism". There was a poor attendance: but the weather was bad, & the strike has killed interest in everything else.